Friday, April 29, 2016

Word of the Wiser

I probably found my favorite part of the book is. 

"I love watching you play basketball, Finley. Best part of my day lately- makes me feel like I still have legs, even-but life's more than game. This Russ, he's special. Anyone can see that. Amd it's hard to be special, Finley. You understand what I'm saying" I don't understand what pop is saying, but I nod anyway. "Your special too, Finley. You don't always get to pick the role you're going to play in life, but it's good to play whatever role you got the best way you can," Pop says. "And I know I'm a damn hypocrite for saying that tonight, but that don't make what I said a lie. We've both had hard lives so far. No favors done for either of us." (Sorry it's so long)  but this is my favorite part because Finley final relizes he special too. Not only Boy21 but him too. This explains that everyone has a role in life, everyone has a meaning in life. It's just that Finley hasn't found his yet.

Thursday, April 21, 2016


Now that I'm done with my autobiography I stared to read a new book called Boy21 by Mathew Quick. (If you like basketball I recommend this book to you). 

I started reading this book about a boy name Finley. He is the only "white" boy in his basketball team. People call him White Rabit. He has this one conflict about this one boy name Russell Allen or Washington but people call him Boy21. Boy21 thinks he is a alien."people just don't go around saying they're from outer space for nothing." Finleys mission is to help Boy21 adjust to his new life. At first Finley really doesn't want towels he thought he was crazy. But you can see durning this book how the start to form friendship.

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

A Work In Progress

I'm doing a autobiography on a Youtuber name Connor Franta, A Work In Progress. In his book these so many conflicts, roadblocks and significant events. In his book the A LOT of memories moments. Connor as a child loved to swim and run. He just loved being out. " I loved everything, from going to the local swinning pool with friends in the hot summer, to staying up late and playing flashlight tag under the stars." Said nine year old Connor. Also in his book he has a chapter a chapter named When I Was ... It's basically a mermeroy moment chapter. It talk about when he was one to seventeen years old. Connor said the his most significant memorie moment is when he was nine years old. " I joined the swinning team. I stared swimming lengths against the clock."

Sunday, April 3, 2016

The Tapper Twins ClickChat

In chapter 7 was maybe the biggest sereno in this book. Since Reese cheese prank failed, he decided to have a sleepover with Xander. They thought of many different ways to attack her back but had nothing. Claudia was showering at this time and like most people she was singing. Xander went to the kitchen to get a drink and heard Claudia's 'horrible' singing. "Xander: Straight up yo, THAT. GIRL. CAN. NOT. SING." Xander told Reese that they should record her and uploaded it to ClickChat. (ClickChat is like Facebook to us). They had that video up for about 12 hours and hundreds of people have seen the video. People stared to put of videos like a howling dog or a baby crying and named it, "Claudia AMAZING singer here."  

Tapper Twins The Cheese

In chapter 5 it was all about Reese's revenge on Claudia. Reese and his friend Xander were talking about how to take action. 
“Xander:  I was all ‘Fine, what-eva. Get some stinky cheese, yo’”
Reese: THAT was a good idea. Expect it had to be wired cheese. Normal stuff like cheddar doesn't even really smell that bad.”  
Of course Reese agreed and bought the smelliest cheese he can afford named Gorgonzola. Claudia took about two hours to figure it out. Sophie and Claudia eat the cheese and thanked Reese for it so they felt like a flair.

Tapper twins

This is a new book I'm reading.

This book is about two twins named Claudia and Reese.Ever since Reese embarrassed Claudia they have been in 'War'.  This book has many conflict in them one I came across was the fish one. Claudia to revenge on Reese she put a fish in his backpack. "I manged to slide it behind the shin guards." In this part of the book Claudia planed her revenge and now is waiting to see is he reaction. Her friend Sophie helped her get the idea and Claudia thought it was perfect. After a few days Reese is backpack has stinted."Dad: I think a mouse died in coat closet. REALLY stinks in there."  "Mom: Did you get rid of it???"  "No time I had to go to work." Claudia was surprised that Reese didn't find out  about the fish for about two weeks.